The biggest discovery of gas in the North Sea for a decade…

Since 2005, the UK has been a net importer of energy, with 46% of our gas supply being imported from countries such as the Netherlands and Russia.  Gas is a crucial contributor to the UK’s energy mix, accounting for 44% of all energy in 2016.

After your have read the article you may wish to think about the following questions:

  1. Why is natural gas typically found under seas/oceans?
  2. Why has natural gas production in the North Sea been declining since the late 1990’s?
  3. Why is the gas being extracted by a consortium of companies (Chinese, Italian and French)?
  4. Will the UK has access to the new gas reserve if the consortium own the extraction project?
  5. Why are environmentalists so against the use of natural gas, despite its importance for the country?


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